Engaged with Ecology

Engaged with Ecology ~ Episode #2

Joe Culhane Season 1 Episode 2

Part two of this three-part podcast gets a bit further into what the heck phenomenology is all about. And lays out many of the key concepts and terms that have been integral to this project and process.

These concepts and terms are :

More than Human, Scholarly Personal Narrative, (post) qualitative research, Scholarly Activism, Political Ecology, Eco-femenism, Critical Race Theory, Queer Theory, Participatory Action Research, Complexity World View, Systems View of Life, Ontology, Epistemology, Settler Colonialism, Herbalism, Traditional Ecological Knowledge,  Anthropocentrism, Appropriation, Anthropocene, Chthulucene, Capitalocene, Plantationocene, IPCC Report, Sixth Mass Extinction, Animism, and Ontopoetics, 

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